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Unfinished Adelenta

Oekaki @dA

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Unfinished Adelenta

Some Girl by Adelenta

Some Girl by Adelenta
Some Girl by Adelenta
Added: 19:04, 2 Jan 2012
ChibiPaint (57m 44s)
Board: level2
Awaited by: 12

.. 5 last comments



You can do it very well, I love it!
Black_Shadow - 19:42, 2 Jan 2012


i'm totally going to dye my hair like that someday!
btw, love her face <3

but her arm looks kind of weird, i mean it's like made of rubber or something
xKimix - 19:47, 2 Jan 2012


Hehe I was planning on dyeing my hair like that color too, but I think people will give me really strange looks XD. The image is not yet finished, I will still adjust many things in it :) but thank you for pointing out the arm.
Adelenta - 20:35, 2 Jan 2012


naah, screw the people. i'm rather afraid what would my teachers say. they're all kind a conservative jerks, and i don't want to have problems. but after my graduation.. hehe, be prepared hair
xKimix - 20:49, 2 Jan 2012


Pretty hair colour :D And she have cuuute nose, I'm jealous :3
petitGizzy - 21:46, 4 Jan 2012