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Unfinished Opalynn

Oekaki @dA

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Unfinished Opalynn

Doll by Opalynn

Doll by Opalynn
Doll by Opalynn
Added: 05:25, 29 Mar 2011
Shi Painter Pro (40m 28s)
Board: tira


This is one of my recent OC's Doll. Still working on name and stuff but this is what she looks like. I wanted to try this style with one of my OC's, and I know I forgot her fingers on one of her hands but I'll redo this picture later.
I hope you enjoy this picture so far, and I do hope to do more artwork on this site.
Opalynn - 05:25, 29 Mar 2011 - Last changed: 05:47, 29 Mar 2011

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