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All by koiyu

Daddy DJ by koiyu

Daddy DJ by koiyu
Daddy DJ by koiyu
Added: 06:51, 10 Aug 2008
Shi Painter Pro (3h 4m 30s)
Board: level2


The timer again is wrong. I was with my brother and then i was yelled at AND THEN i watched Dora the Explorer and listened to DotA, Pretty Rave Girl and Daddy DJ (thus the title)... :P

Anyways, This is XAINE! I now officially introduce him as one of my characters! Hes a lovely light brunet prince with dark blue eyes and a socially awkward personality! :) I was really just messing around with the different tools and textures so it isnt that detailed. Sorry. anyways, ENJOY!
koiyu - 06:51, 10 Aug 2008 - Last changed: 03:33, 12 Aug 2008

.. 5 last comments



ou, so so sorry(:
I said that hair are amazing!:D really (: but nose is a bit strange because of the shadow, but picture looks really nice! I like it! so soft!(:
Czarna_Wilczyca - 12:29, 11 Aug 2008


Lol! Its ok. Thank you. Yeah i realized it when i looked at it from afar but this isnt anything important so i didnt feel like changing it. :P Thank you again
koiyu - 01:05, 12 Aug 2008


introduce... him? *0*
lovely work, the colouring is stunning, and its so delicate... <3
Ollie - 19:36, 12 Aug 2008


freakin' awesome @w@
Baorti - 12:57, 15 Aug 2008


Thank you!!! XD
koiyu - 05:51, 17 Aug 2008

TEAM ALICE!! XD by koiyu

TEAM ALICE!! XD by koiyu
TEAM ALICE!! XD by koiyu
Added: 03:29, 10 Aug 2008
Shi Painter Pro (1h 32m 22s)
Board: tira


I didnt know what to draw so i just started drawing and then it wasnt great so i randomly colored it in and left the sketch in. :D I just really liked her expression! XD
koiyu - 03:29, 10 Aug 2008 - Last changed: 03:32, 10 Aug 2008

.. 5 last comments



So these are Xaine and ...? :) Anyway, both of them have great expressions XD
Nadzieja - 10:35, 10 Aug 2008 - Last changed: 10:35, 10 Aug 2008


Its Xaine and Emse.

Xaine always tends to get beaten by her beause a third party (alice...she can be found on my first submission) likes to flirt with him and Emse doesnt like anyone getting close to this third party.... yes. :D Thank you
koiyu - 01:40, 11 Aug 2008

Introduction by koiyu

Introduction by koiyu
Introduction by koiyu
Added: 00:00, 9 Aug 2008
Shi Painter Pro (3h 6m 29s)
Board: tira


Hello! So i'm new! hello! The timer is wrong because i was watching Bee movie with my brother and some Dora the Explorer. :)

Anyways, just a quick sketch done in about an hour and... im not sure where i'm allowed to post in. So would anyboyd be kind enough to quickly tell me the deal with everything. I read the FAQ and stuffs but i'm not following quite so well. Thank you!
koiyu - 00:00, 9 Aug 2008 - Last changed: 00:04, 9 Aug 2008

.. 5 last comments



durian - 00:08, 9 Aug 2008


there are three basic boards-
tira-for the regular doodling, everything from the crappiest junk to pretty but quick and careless stuff.
level 2-everything that is more detailed, has a clean finish and is almost anatomically correct. cool stuff with some flaws. usually when you put lots of effort into something you start there and wait to seev what people say to move the picture higher

kaera and inne is basically oneboard divided into 2 sections- manga and non-manga. it's for most awesome pics with clean finish, detailed background (or at least are stunning enough to manage without background) and good anatomical proportions.

usually when you post something on a higher board people will lynch you asap and the mod will move your oekaki lower. so it's always better to start with a lower level, because you can always move your picture
malpanka - 00:21, 9 Aug 2008


Thank you very much! You are good yourself!
koiyu - 09:42, 9 Aug 2008


#@_@ wonderful pic, I envy your skills *3* the colours are so warm and vivid, and the girl is simply lovely. I love everything about her face - which is rare - her nose and lips are perfect, she could look right through you with these shining eyes, the make-up makes her look less innocent. Even though she looks so young, she could bewitch any boy with her charms. And so I give into her charms too. :)
Nadzieja - 10:03, 9 Aug 2008


Thank you!!! shes one of my characters from my manga (which is being written by my writer person at the moment). Shes a rebel!! XD Only like 16, 17 and shes going around causing havoc! XD I love her personally. its kind of sad cause her charms are the kind her town doesnt appreciate. Thank you again!!
koiyu - 03:34, 10 Aug 2008