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All by nunja

Oekaki @dA

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All by nunja

closer so I can see by nunja

closer so I can see by nunja
closer so I can see by nunja
Added: 18:02, 23 Feb 2009
Shi Painter Pro (1h 5m 37s)
Board: tira

.. 5 last comments



there's grad tool in Shi Painter Pro. using it on eyelashes carefully (small brush size, low transparency) may turn them look more real without redrawing them completely. same to the eye outline. since the drawing looks so good i think it's worth a try
greyish - 19:08, 24 Feb 2009


Yeah, I tried that. It didn't work because of the transparant layer I think. I kept using it and using it.. but still... Thanks for your comment! I really appreciate that... If there is anything else you think I can improve on, please tell me... I'd really appreciate that!

I like your avater, btw... Really nice!
nunja - 20:11, 24 Feb 2009


i see. too bad then.
i don't think this piece needs any more improving besides the eyes. maybe nostrils aren't visible enough? the drawing itself is pretty amazing actually :)

thanks! ^^
greyish - 21:48, 24 Feb 2009


Nostrils, yeah.. That is a good point, acctually.
I am really glad you like this. Means a lot to me, and thanks again for the help, really appreciate it.
nunja - 23:00, 24 Feb 2009

Exposed by nunja

Exposed by nunja
Exposed by nunja
Added: 15:47, 22 Feb 2009
Shi Painter Pro (1h 25m 47s)
Board: tira


Do you think this is mature content?

Also, comment and criticism greatly appreciated!
nunja - 15:47, 22 Feb 2009 - Last changed: 09:56, 23 Feb 2009

.. 5 last comments



Ok. Thank you for your thoughts on this matter. Though I still can't understand why this belongs in tira? I wanted to change this, but I can see that it has already been done FOR me, without any notice... I'm sorry for putting my art in the wrong place, I just thought I did it in the right place...
nunja - 18:27, 22 Feb 2009


ah i'm sorry i should have let you do this yourself.

it's not level2 work, mainly because of the complete lack of background, several anatomical mistakes and a scribbly lineart.
level2 is an intermediate board, and works uploaded there need to be done carefully and have only minor imperfections. sometimes we allow sketchy-artsy stuff here, but only when the composition and colour choices are really good, and the sketchy look is intentional and well executed.
malpanka - 00:16, 23 Feb 2009


Well, I know I am not the best artist but this was intentional in a way. What I'd like to know is why this does belong to the Tira board: the practice board. Anyway, I thank you for replying to my reply.

You seem to find a lot of things wrong with this picture, but why aren't you giving me any constructive criticism? I'd like to be a better artist, therefore I need help. So could you please point out the things you think I can inprove on? Thank you very much.
nunja - 08:45, 23 Feb 2009


hmmm, i'm sorry, my comment was kinda rushed, i sometimes forget that an artist usually needs more information. I apologize.
First of all- i really appreciate your will to improve. really. not many artists in here do that, some would even rather argue with mods than try to correct their mistakes.

Tira is a "practice" board, which means it's good for training, because there are no requirements about the quality of works posted there. some artists prefer to keep their stuff on tira board because it's safe, not because they think their work is not good enough.

I can see that you edited your work, cleaned up the lineart and added some colour to the background. but it doesn't really change the impression that the work was rushed. if you're aiming at a sketchy-artsy look, you should work on stronger, dynamic brushstrokes and interesting composition. now the whole thing looks a bit blurry, and composition is a bit too boring to attract the viewer. compare it to other works on this board - usually they are a lot more detailed and dynamic.
try finding some tutorials and tips on composition and colour theory. (yes, again, because contrast and variety in hues are one of the things that make a portrait interesting and realistic. (realistic=/= like a photo, realistic = believable and creating an illusion of life).
also - practice drawing hands. bone structure is very important, especially if you're drawing slim hands. overall anatomy studies are recommended too. try adding more detail to the bodies and control the way shades and highlights are distributed - it creates the illusion of volume.

these are rather tips for future, but if you REALLY want to make this one picture better, we can work on it, i can make you some paintovers to show the anatomical and shading mistakes. but this will require a lot more of of work and patience.
malpanka - 12:16, 23 Feb 2009


I wrote a whole reply yesterday, but I closed th browser before I send it... Stupid!

I never intended to argue with anyone, I just wanted things to get clear. This site needs to improve too, you know...

Anyway, Thank you for the criticism. In order to become an awesome artist (thats my goal for now...) I need help, anybody needs help. Some just don't want it.. I really appreciate it that you took the time to criticize this piece.

I would really love it if you'd make some paintovers for me. I could really use that to visualize the things you said...

(By the way, you wouldn't happen to be a moderator who I need to ask for a bigger canvas and paintchat, would you? If yes, I'd like to ask you for those tools. If no, nevermind)
nunja - 10:53, 24 Feb 2009

Music from my universe by nunja

Music from my universe by nunja
Music from my universe by nunja
Added: 14:32, 24 Dec 2008
PaintBBS (3h 49m 34s)
Board: tira


The time is not correct. I left the computer many times to do other things. Also, while drawing this I was also surfing the net... So, the time is not correct.
This character is mine. I once drew a picture of her (unfinished) which can be seen here: There are more versions of this drawing on my dA page...

Constructive Criticism greatly appreciated!
nunja - 14:32, 24 Dec 2008 - Last changed: 14:24, 22 Feb 2009

.. 5 last comments



If I would compare works within level2 I would say that there are is a lot of art that should be in kaera or in inne. Same thing with tira. There are a lot of pictures that would fit better in level2. I am not talking about my art here.
It is not that I think my work is high leveled art, no not at all. But I think that some particular pieces of mine deserve a little more that just being on the training board.

It is just that I am starting to think there is no real guideline for some boards. I asume that pieces from tira are not going to be upgraded to any other boards, if this is correct, why is that then?
Comparing work is fine, but I think I can argue with you on the fact that a great matter of art is placed wrong, esspecially within tira and level2. But that is just a matter of taste, right?

Thank you for reading.
nunja - 12:13, 23 Feb 2009


note that moderators can ONLY drop pictures down in kaera|inne -> level2 -> tira schema - we never put pics higher.
if author consider his work as level2 i wont put that pic higher - it depends only on author, same about tira..

knowing this hint you should understand.. :)
cml - 15:01, 23 Feb 2009


That is weird in a way, don't you think? Because I didn't consider my work to be training. But in a way that didn't matter, because I did not have the talent that some others might have. Considering this I can only conclude that there still isn't any real guideline for the artists. That makes moderators degrade artpieces and leaving artists disorientated, degraded and having their work labeled as a training piece.

Let's put it this way: The difference between artists and there artpieces will always be big. You leave artists feeling bad by comparing their work without any real guideline. Maybe there should be a change...

Thank you for answering. Hope you can also understand my thoughts on this subject.
nunja - 16:43, 23 Feb 2009


thank you for your comment - ill try to make some improvements in droping system - i dont want to leave users disoriented :)
cml - 17:29, 23 Feb 2009


haha... I hope the system (boards and all that) will get better. I have high expectations from this site. I like this site because it is clean. I never thought that these kind of problems would occur.

Thanks for being understanding! It means a lot to me!
nunja - 18:14, 23 Feb 2009

Nunja by nunja

Nunja by nunja
Nunja by nunja
Added: 21:35, 1 Jun 2007
Shi Painter Pro (2h 16s)
Board: tira

.. 5 last comments



heh;] very sweet and nice:D
Nerui - 22:43, 1 Jun 2007


really cute :)
SupahFly - 14:52, 2 Jun 2007


thank you!
nunja - 15:59, 13 Oct 2007


It is a self portret. Kind of...
nunja - 16:00, 13 Oct 2007


well thank you!
nunja - 16:00, 13 Oct 2007

In the end by nunja

In the end by nunja
In the end by nunja
Added: 16:52, 13 Oct 2007
Shi Painter Pro (51m 22s)
Board: level2


This is my second oekaki I think. I've done some more but they are all failures. Not really used to oekaki... Oh wel...
nunja - 16:52, 13 Oct 2007 - Last changed: 16:54, 13 Oct 2007

.. 5 last comments



ooo wow i like this! ^^
adoolf - 17:08, 13 Oct 2007


Well thank you!
nunja - 20:28, 14 Oct 2007


adoolf - 20:33, 14 Oct 2007