

Added13:33, 28 May 2010
Modified13:33, 28 May 2010
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(13:33, 28 May 2010)



practice by JohnDoe
v1 by JohnDoe
13:33, 28 May 2010

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practice by JohnDoe

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practice by JohnDoe - 13:33, 28 May 2010

.. attempt to correctly construct faces; shading them for realisticlookin in some ways and try to give em friendly expressions

Just dunno anymore if I succeed or at least if its the right thing to practice for me ..

- crits n thoughts are warmly welcome




Are those all Asian people you tried to paint? Their eyes are weird.. somewhere between European look and Asiatic look.. at least from my point of view :P The guy on right bottom corner is best shaded for realistic looking in my opinion. The guy or girl because those pinkish, quite girlish lips are confusing me here, next to him has something up with that mouth, I think tooths are too close to lips and they are just white flat surface. Plus I think the nose shade might be too long and those smiling holes on skin might be too dark or too high? I can't seem to find whats up with top guy but something disturbs me in him too.. maybe too girlish eyes? Well, anyway, it's hard to talk that way since people are really different and who knows, maybe they all are just fine and without mistakes o_o
All in all those are really squeezed out tips, because I think each of those faces is pretty amazing! And lets keep in mind I'm no anatomic expert here, I guess you expect opinion from people that have better knowledge so I hope soon someone will point out more things or just comment your work with more tips ;)
#1 Mirix - 18:10, 28 May 2010


They are fantastic!
I do not have an imagination 'flexible' enough to picture solids and calculate how does the correct lighting/shading should look like (I know the rules but some people just 'feel' it) and as such, I admire people who are capable of doing it ;)

Lady on the top is my absolute favourite - I like these oversaturated, burned colors - altogether it gives a pleasant impression of warm summer day, with light so bright, that it makes you to squirt your eyes if you want to look up at somebody.

I can agree that the 'toothy' smile looks a bit flat, but their eyes are perfectly fine to me. Bald guy is a killer O_o - such a difficult angle. Color hue which you have used makes him look very 'fleshy' and realistic - only his jaw (half of it) looks a bit off, like as if his face was too wide from my left side... but probably it's only an impression caused by the foreshortening.
#2 Nauzykaja - 22:03, 28 May 2010


nice , i want more xd
#3 RelenaXX - 11:13, 16 Jun 2010