A:MR - The Red Queen by bbchan01
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The Red Queen, from the American Mcgee's Alice: Madness Returns - she is just socvlkgndlfgnfd adorable! ;//u//;
Though she doesn't look as desu desu as she does in the game.
I'll have to do a desu desu one. 9u9
Yup! <3She's very cute, but still pretty creepy. xD
Queensland starts off so pretty looking~ *3* <33 I can't wait to play it myself - walkthroughs have been my only source, I may have to wait a while for the prices to go down before I can get it myself. TTnTT;;
OH! so in A:MR Red Queen looks like little girl? *_* I can't wait to see that! (Just started that Queensland chapter)