HALP by trampka
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The Adventure Of The FISH
LARRY and TUDDRUSSEL were out for a SOFHISTICATED Valentine's walk ON THE BRIDGE. As they went, TUDDRUSSEL rested his hand on LARRY's FOOT. It was the most romantic walk ever. But even though the day was so METALIC, LARRY was filled with LONELY dread.
"Do you suppose it's MAGNIFICENT here?" he asked SOFTILY.
"You CLUMSY silly," TUDDRUSSEL said, tickling LARRY with his FEATHER DUSTER. "It's completely GREAT."
Just then, a COOL FISH leapt out from behind a FAZER and KISSED TUDDRUSSEL in the LIPS. "Aaargh!" TUDDRUSSEL screamed.
Things looked CUTE. But LARRY, although he was LONG, knew he had to save his love. He grabbed a UMBRELLA and, LIKE A TIME GOES ON AND ON FOREVER, beat the FISH HARSHLY until it ran off. "That will teach you to KISS innocent people."
Then he clasped TUDDRUSSEL close. TUDDRUSSEL was bleeding LAZILY. "My darling," LARRY said, and pressed his lips to TUDDRUSSEL's FORHEAD.
"I love you," TUDDRUSSEL said MANLY, and expired in LARRY's arms.
LARRY never loved again. (;C)
assdfgjhjljakie to jest zuooo ;____;
wlaśnie też się zaczęłam bawić z drabble-matic, i, omg, just. what.
ale ilustracja jest ołsom <3
XD oh god umieramteż zrobiłam, normalnie aż to narysuję